Woman sues ice cream company after miscarriage | Boing Boing
We don’t take enough time to thank the various workers in the food industry. The rigorous health inspections that restaurants and food manufacturers go through are essentially all that stands between customers and a host of diseases. Every once in a while, a major food distributor will issue a recall for their tainted products. Still, if the workforce inside any given eatery or food distributor were truly negligent, these occurrences would be significantly more frequent. However, whenever a recall or contamination happens, it’s almost enough to put you off the idea of eating out altogether.
A woman from Billerica, Massachusetts, suffered a horrible tragedy while on vacation in Florida. During her trip, the woman, who claims she was 11 weeks pregnant at the time, ate contaminated ice cream from Big Olaf ice cream. It was later discovered that the ice cream was linked to a listeria outbreak that eventually led to the woman’s miscarriage.
A Billerica mother is suing an ice cream company after she said a listeria outbreak tied to their products caused her miscarriage. The woman said she was 11 weeks pregnant when she ate Big Olaf ice cream in Florida.She got sick two weeks later and learned about her miscarriage.Health Department officials have since linked the ice cream to a listeria outbreak.The woman is asking for more than $30,000 in damages.
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