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Trump blames FBI raid on Dem 2024 fears and bemoans Cheney being in spotlight – live


Liz Cheney says it would be ‘very difficult’ to support Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley

Donald Trump began his Sunday lashing out at the Democratic Party for the “politically motivated raid on Mar-a-Lago” by the FBI, claiming it was because they fear him most as a candidate in the 2024 election.

The former president also griped at the media attention being given to Wyoming GOP Rep Liz Cheney, his current favourite foe and vice chair of the January 6 committee, following her primary defeat. On Sunday morning she told ABC News she intends to focus on keeping election deniers out of office.

Relatedly, Ms Cheney has said that panel members are “in discussions” with counsel for Mike Pence about testifying as part of the investigation into the Capitol riot. Asked about the FBI search and if he had taken any classified documents when leaving office, the former vice president told the AP he had not.

This coming week will see a decision by Judge Bruce Reinhart as to whether the affidavit that led to the search warrant can be released in redacted form as media organisations have requested. Mr Trump’s legal team has made no moves to push for its release.


Poll: Biden approval rating stuck in low forties

NBC News’ latest poll show President Joe Biden’s approval ratings have stagnated in the low-forties despite a recent run of legislative successes, positive jobs news, and an improving inflationary situation.

The poll shows just 42 per cent of registered voters approving of the job the president is doing versus 55 per cent who do not approve. The figures are little changed since the beginning of the year according to surveys conducted in January, March, May, and now August.

The president enjoys his highest approval among Democrats (79%), Black voters (68%), urban residents (50%) and women (47%), while he has some of his lowest ratings among Latinos (40%), men (36%), those 18-34 (36%), rural residents (21%) and Republicans (7%).


Cheney: Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley have made themselves unfit for office

Congresswoman Liz Cheney denounced two of her party’s furthest-right members in the US Senate on Sunday and called them categorically “unfit” for office.

In an interview with ABC’s This Week, her first major sit-down interview since losing her primary election to Donald Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman on Tuesday, she excoriated Sens Josh Hawley of Missouri and Ted Cruz of Texas for their roles in supporting Mr Trump’s lies about the 2020 election.

John Bowden reports from Washington, DC.


Long shadow of Trump sees 2024 hopefuls shy away from Iowa State Fair

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz raised the roasted turkey leg like a sword in his Iowa State Fair debut in 2014, the up-and-coming conservative joining a half-dozen other Republican presidential prospects in strolling the Grand Concourse.

Four years later, almost as many Democrats made the pilgrimage to the fair, including former U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro, who snaked his way past tables under the Iowa Pork Producer’s tent at the annual Midwestern tribute to overindulgence.

But as the 2022 fair entered its final weekend, the 2024 traffic was noticeably light.


Poll: Majority believe Trump investigations should continue

The latest poll from NBC News shows that a clear majority of American voters believe that the various investigations into former President Donald Trump should continue as he needs to be held accountable for any alleged wrongdoing.

According to the survey, 57 per cent of registered voters say that the investigations should continue, while 40 per cent say they should stop.

By party, 92 per cent of Democratic voters, 61 per cent of independents but just 21 per cent of Republican voters think the investigations into Trump should continue.



Cheney: All Jan 6 committee evidence to be made public

January 6 committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney says all of the material gathered by the panel in their investigation of the events leading up to and during the Capitol riot will be made public after they finish their work.


Cheney to focus on combatting election deniers

Following her primary defeat in Wyoming, Republican Rep Liz Cheney told ABC News that her focus going forward will be to work on keeping election deniers out of office.

“I’m going to work against those people, I’m going to work to support their opponents. I think it matters that much.”


Cruz says FBI raid on Trump home was secret Jan 6 ‘fishing expedition’

Ted Cruz has claimed that the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was a “fishing expedition” for incriminating documents related to the US Capitol riots.

Without offering any evidence, Mr Cruz asserted the 8 August raid on Donald Trump’s Florida residence was part of a secret plan by the Department of Justice to gather evidence on the January 6 insurrection.

“What is really distressing now looking at the warrant and what they were searching for, this was a fishing expedition,” Mr Cruz said on his podcast Verdict with Ted Cruz.


Cheney says January 6 committee still wants to hear from Pence in person

Rep Liz Cheney, vice chair of the January 6 House select committee, says that the panel still wants to hear directly from former Vice President Mike Pence.

“Look, he played a critical role on January 6. If he had succumbed to the pressure that Donald Trump was putting on him, we would have had a much worse constitutional crisis,” she told Jonathan Karl, chief Washington correspondent for ABC News, on Friday.

“And I think that he has clearly, as he’s expressed, concerns about executive privilege, which, you know, I have tremendous respect. I think it’s, you know, hugely important constitutional issue in terms of separation of powers.”


First Lady Jill Biden out of Covid isolation


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