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Toyota CEO apologizes for vehicle certification scandal | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News


Toyota Motor President and CEO Sato Koji apologized to customers and shareholders over the company’s failure to follow vehicle testing procedures. Sato pledged to prevent a recurrence at a meeting of shareholders on Tuesday.

Toyota earlier this month admitted it falsified data to obtain government test certificates for its vehicles. The automaker has suspended production of three models as a result.

Sato apologized for causing concern among customers and shareholders.

He explained that automakers are allowed to mass-produce and market vehicles only after meeting government road and safety standards. He said Toyota had failed to follow proper procedures in vehicle tests and vowed to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

One shareholder expressed concern about corporate governance at Toyota. Chairman Toyoda Akio said proper governance is to create an environment in which each employee feels they can independently contribute. He said he will take the lead toward achieving this goal.

Shareholders approved a bill to re-elect Toyoda, Sato and eight others to the company’s board.

The meeting ended after less than two hours.


Read More:Toyota CEO apologizes for vehicle certification scandal | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

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