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Sagittarius Horoscope for September 2022 – Susan Miller Astrology Zone


Your September Horoscope for Sagittarius

Join Susan Miller Stars

What a month September will be for you! All the action is “on the angles” of your solar chart, which means that this is a high intensity month with lots going on in your career, at home, and in regard to a close relationship you have in love or business. Astrologers know that planets that correspond to the points on a compass—west, south, east, and north (first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses respectively)—are acting with double strength, like wild stallions. That’s what you have in September! There is plenty to unpack, so let’s get started.

As you begin September, your career could easily be taking center stage. An important new moon just occurred near the end of last month on August 27 in Virgo, 4 degrees. That new moon lit the pinnacle point in your chart, namely, your solar tenth house of prestigious honors, awards, and achievement. If you hope to get an impressive promotion or sterling offers from a competitive firm for a top position, this is the month to work on that goal. If you are self-employed, you may give yourself a promotion by bringing in a lucrative, prestigious new client who has a big idea and feels that you are the only one who could handle it, judging by the excellence of your past work.

Alternatively, whether you work for yourself or others, you might be given the kind of publicity for recent work that you did that is be so good, you used to dream about getting attention like that from the media. This is all possible as you enter September and in the weeks to come.

I wrote quite a bit about this new moon in your August report last month, as it is the only career new moon you will get in 2022, so you may have waited for this break. It will be another a year for another new moon like this to appear. This new moon was in Virgo, so it’s clear that your ability to write, teach, edit, translate, or do research will be prized. Virgo is known for precision and detail—if your work reflects this quality, you will have to use a fly swatter to fend a flock of eager employers who want to hire you. (Well, just kidding, but you certainly will be popular.) Almost everyone will want you in their corner.

See Another Sign’s Monthly Horoscope:


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