Payments from the Social Security Administration reach United States households at different times of the month. And among those payments are the Disability Benefit checks. This benefit shares payment dates with the rest of the Social Security retirement benefits.
On each mailing day, the Administration pays checks to a different group of disability beneficiaries. In total, there are four groups of retirees. Therefore, we find that on each day there are three groups of retirees who do not get a monthly benefit. Those other groups get their check on other different days.
In this sense, on the 17th day of July only a specific group of Americans can get this benefit. If you want to get this payment you have to meet two mandatory requirements. If you do not meet them, you will not be able to receive the payment on this day.
Beneficiaries who do not get the July 17 Disability Benefit
There are three groups of retirees who will not be able to get this benefit payment. These are groups 1, 2 and 4. Therefore, we are in front of the payment for group 3 retirees, which is the only group that gets this benefit. It is easy to know whether or not we belong to this group of retirees.
The retirees who do not get the July 17th Disability payment are:
- Those with a retirement prior to May 1997.
- Those with a check after May 1997 with a birthday between the 1st and 10th of any month.
- Those with a Disability or other retirement check accepted from after May 1997 with birthdays between the 21st and 31st of any month.
In short, only if we have a benefit since after May 1997 and the birthday is between the 11th and 20th of any month will we be able to access the benefit on this day. In any case, remember that it is mandatory to have Direct Deposit activated in order to get the disability payment on the same day it is sent. If we do not have this activated, the payment arrives a few days later.
How to get the Disability check faster?
There is a way to get the check for Disability faster and that is by activating Direct Deposit, as we have already mentioned. But we can also do other actions to avoid delays in sending payments. To do this, we must take into account our personal information.
It is not enough to activate the fastest collection method, we must also have our personal information updated. If we move, get married, or any information related to our life changes, we must communicate this to both our bank and the Social Security Administration.
If we don’t do this, the bank could withhold payments, so it is advisable to do so. And remember that it is also mandatory to comply with the established requirements in order to be able to collect the Disability benefit money. on the specific day of each month.
Read More:List of beneficiaries who will not get a Disability payment on July 17th