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EU signs updated agreement for Türkiye’s participation in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism


Today, the European Union and Türkiye signed an updated agreement on the participation of Türkiye in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, together with the Turkish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mehmet Kemal Bozay, signed the agreement in Ankara.

Türkiye is an active participant in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and has been a member since 2016. Today’s updated agreement further strengthens the role of Türkiye in the mechanism.

Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management said: “I am very pleased with the signature of the updated Agreement. This will continue to serve as a basis of our co-operation and assistance to each other, when disasters strike. Over the years, EU Civil Protection Mechanism has proven its worth. Türkiye can always count on the civil protection support from the Mechanism, and vice-versa other countries can also count on the support from Türkiye through the Mechanism.”  

Türkiye is strongly involved in developing rescEU capacities and hosted the largest EU MODEX civil protection exercise to date. Türkiye also significantly benefited from support from the Mechanism, particularly following the 2023 earthquakes.


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