9 quotes by Elder Stevenson on his birthday
Elder Gary E. Stevenson was named to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Oct. 3, 2015. Born Aug. 6, 1955, in Cache Valley, Utah, he served a full-time mission in the Japan Fukuoka Mission and attended Utah State University. He married Lesa Jean Higley Aug. 20, 1979, in the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple and they have four sons.
Elder Stevenson was co-founder and president of Icon Health & Fitness, Inc. — a business in the health and fitness industry that took him to the corners of the world.
The Stevensons moved their family to Asia in 2004 when Elder Stevenson accepted a call to serve as president of the Japan Nagoya Mission; the family moved back to that area of the world when Elder Stevenson was called as a General Authority Seventy. Before his call to be an Apostle, he served as the Church’s Presiding Bishop.
In honor of Elder Stevenson’s birthday today, here are nine of his quotes from the past year.
1. The temple is the house of the Lord

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles asks five Primary children about their experience touring the Tokyo Japan Temple prior to its rededication on July 3, 2022. The segment was shown during the Friend to Friend on July 30.
Captura de tela de ChurchofJesusChrist.org
“Heavenly Father loves each one of His children; He especially loves Primary children. He loves every child of God. I know Heavenly Father lives. I know the temple is literally the house of the Lord. I know Jesus Christ lives. I testify that He is the Son of God.”
— Friend to Friend broadcast, July 30, 2022
2. Blessings from the temple

President Henry B. Eyring, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Elder Gary E. Stevenson, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, look over the grounds prior to the Tokyo Japan Temple rededication in Tokyo on Sunday, July 3, 2022.
Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News
“It is hard not to talk about temples, when you talk about how the Japanese members will be able to grow and strengthen themselves in their families.” The temple provides “a wonderful way to honor our families and loved ones — and to honor the Lord by gathering Israel on the other side of the veil.”
— Rededication of the Tokyo Japan Temple, July 3, 2022
3. Guiding principles in using ‘Preach My Gospel’

Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“For me, there is nothing that demonstrates and personalizes both the blessing and the power of ‘Preach My Gospel’ than to teach the lessons found in Chapter 3 of this inspired guide. Its purpose behind its name comes alive when we teach from it.”
— Seminar for New Mission Leaders, June 24, 2022
4. Jesus Christ as the foundation and cornerstone

Elder Gary E. Stevenson, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, speaks to attendees at the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple dedication corner stone ceremony in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Sunday, May 8, 2022.
Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News
“It is upon His foundation we are built. We can think of Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of our hearts.”
— Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple dedication, May 8, 2022
5. Good things come from the gospel

Elder Gary E. Stevenson, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and his wife Sister Lesa Stevenson and Elder Carlos A. Godoy an his wife Monica Godoy spoke to attendees during a youth devotional at the temple grounds stake center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Saturday, May 7, 2022.
Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News
“The gospel brings us good things. Good things come from seminary. Good things come from institute. Good things come from the gospel.”
— Meeting with the youth in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 7, 2022
6. Love, Share, Invite

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Sunday morning session of the 192nd Annual General Conference on April 3, 2022.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“What I am urging you to do is not a new program. You have heard these principles before. This is not the ‘next big thing’ the Church is asking you to do. These three things are merely an extension of who we already are as disciples of Jesus Christ.”
— “Love, Share, Invite,” April 2022 general conference
7. Set meaningful personal spiritual goals

A Facebook post by Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles speaks of setting meaningful goals on Jan. 1, 2022.
“While our new year goals may include ways to improve physically or temporally, I encourage you to counsel with your Father in Heaven and also set meaningful personal spiritual goals. Goals that will fortify your foundation and faith in Jesus Christ. Please remember to thank Him, He is the giver of all good gifts.”
— Facebook post, Jan. 1, 2022
8. The beauty of the gospel

Elder Gary E. Stevenson, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, speaks during the Saturday afternoon session of the 191st Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on Oct. 2, 2021.
Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News
“It has been said that the gospel of Jesus Christ is ‘simply beautiful and beautifully simple.’ The world is not. It is complicated, complex, and filled with turmoil and strife. We are blessed as we exercise care not to allow complexity, so common in the world, to enter into the way we receive and practice the gospel.”
— “Simply Beautiful — Beautifully Simple,” October 2021 general conference
9. Missionaries and the Restoration

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Lesa Stevenson, converse with the missionaries prior to Thanksgiving dinner in the Provo Missionary Training Center cafeteria following a morning devotional there on Thursday, Nov. 25, 2021, in Provo, Utah.
Shafkat Anowar, Deseret News
Noting that Joseph Smith, Emma Smith, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Book of Mormon publisher E.B. Grandin were all 22 to 24 years of age in April 1829:
“The Lord relied on these young 20-somethings — these are people your age. He trusted them. And he will you. He trusts you and is relying on you” to be a part of the ongoing Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
— Provo MTC devotional, Nov. 25, 2021
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